Midwest Acupressure and Massage Therapy
Debrah L. Roemisch
Jin Shin Do® Classes

Jin Shin Do® Classes:

Jin Shin Do” means “The Way of the Compassionate Spirit.” Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® classes teach the use of gentle yet deep finger pressure on specific acu-points and verbal Body Focusing techniques, to help release "armoring" or chronic tension, balance the "Qi" or energy, and improve vitality. This clothes-on method helps relieve stress- and trauma-related problems. 

A unique synthesis of a traditional Japanese acupressure technique, classic Chinese acupuncture and acupressure theory, Taoist philosophy, Qigong (breathing and exercise techniques), Reichian segmental theory and principles of Ericksonian psychotherapy, it is recognized as a major form of Asian Bodywork Therapy (by AOBTA®, NCCAOM®, NCBTMB, and the U.S. Department of Education, among others). Originated by psychotherapist Iona Marsaa Teeguarden, Jin Shin Do® Acupressure promotes a pleasant trancelike state, in which one can relax and move out of the head and into the body, accessing feelings and inner wisdom. 

Generally a “local point” in a tense area is held together with related “distal points” which, though distant from the tense area, help it to release because of functional and energetic relationships

The Jin Shin Do® Foundation is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider (# 026771). 
These CEU certificates may only be given by Authorized Jin Shin Do® Teachers. 

Visit the Jin Shin Do® Foundation for complete descriptions of classes and requirements for Practitioners and Teachers

I am authorized to teach:

Module 1--Part 1: Basic JSD; Part 2: Intermediate JSD and Part 3: Advanced JSD

Module 2--Part 1. Integration of Key Theories and Part 3. Expanding Theoretical Horizons

I also teach short Introductory JSD classes, the 8 hour JSD Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure class, and The Acupressure Facial upon request.

I also offer self-help classes--see services offered page for a description of these classes.

For the Module 2: Part 2. Master Class: the closest teachers for this class include Cheri Haines in Madison, WI www.jinshindo1.com and Steve Sommers in Nashville, TN bodyperspectives@comcast.net


Comment from a massage therapist who took the Basic class:

“I must also tell you that I am applying the techniques that I learned daily in my practice and am amazed by their power.  Thank you so very much for your endearing, peaceful and detailed teaching ability.  Your seminar was truly the best that I have experienced in recent memory!” 

Comment from a Massage Therapist who took the Fundamentals class and signed up for the Basic class:

“I am looking forward to learning with you. You opened my world to Eastern Healing and gave me the practical applications of acupressure that I use daily.”

Comment from a student after the Advanced class:

"I experienced some of the most profound emotional and physical healing of my life in Debrah's acupressure workshops."

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